Fall Semester
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Introduction to Bible I: Doctrine of Scripture
This course explores the claims the Bible makes of itself and how the Scriptures came from God to us, exploring the process of revelation, inspiration, collection, transmission, and translation. This course is one part of a four-part Introduction to Bible credit.
Introduction to Bible II: Biblical Theology
A course designed to give a broad picture of the Bible, which enables the student to visualize the Word as a whole. Emphasis is on the historical flow of the scriptures throughout redemptive history. This course is part two of a four-part Introduction to Bible credit.
Backpack Trip (Elective - Natural Revelation)
In the early fall, students will experience a challenging but exciting week backpacking. Students will be seeing the sights of the Bob Marshall Wilderness – the largest wilderness area in the continental US – which happens to be our backyard! This course will also give the student a new awareness of the environment from a Biblical viewpoint. This course is a one credit elective course.
Introduction to Bible III: Christ in All of Scripture
The aim of this class is to reveal that the Lord Jesus would be seen more clearly and accurately as the great point of all Scripture. This course is part three of a three-part Introduction to Bible credit.
Introduction to Bible IV: The Gospel
Old Testament Survey I: The Pentateuch
This class will study the theology, content and unity of the first five books of the Old Testament. Various readings and discussion will introduce the student to various critical approaches to the origin and development of the Pentateuch and to the ways it continues to guide and shape God’s people today. This course is part one of a four-week Old Testament Survey credit.
Old Testament Survey II: Historical Books
This course will give the student a detailed overview of all the historical Old Testament books with a focus on the main characters and events contained within. Also, one of the books will receive special attention. This course is part two of a four-week Old Testament Survey credit.
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Old Testament Survey III: Wisdom Literature
This study of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and The Song of Solomon leads students through poetry and prose unrivaled in all secular literature. The Wisdom Books are beautiful Holy Spirit-inspired literature, containing narrative, history, instruction, celebration, prayer, passion, prophecy, and more unfolding of the drama of divine redemption, looking toward its ultimate fulfillment in the atoning of Jesus Christ. This course is part three of a four-week Old Testament Survey credit.
Old Testament Survey IV: Prophets
This class looks at the role and significance of Old Testament prophets as emphasized in light of Biblical history. This overview includes a focus on select prophets and prophetic oracles. This course is part four of a four-week Old Testament Survey credit.
New Testament Studies I: I Timothy – The Church
This course is a verse-by-verse look at Paul’s letter to Timothy as he takes on the role of pastoring the church in Ephesus. In this book, God inspired Paul to instruct Timothy and subsequent church leaders how the local church should be set up and run. Students will learn the Biblical standards and priorities for the local church. This course is part of a five credit New Testament studies series.
New Testament Survey I: Jesus & the Gospels
New Testament Survey II: Pauline Epistles
This course is an introductory look into the letters God inspired Paul to write, as well as a general overview into Pauline theology. This course is part two of a three-week New Testament Survey credit.
New Testament Survey III: General Epistles
This course is an introductory look into the other New Testament letters not written by Paul, including James, Hebrews, 1 & 2 Peter, Jude, and the Johannine epistles. This course is part three of a three-week New Testament Survey credit.
Spiritual Disciplines (Spiritual Formations - Night Course)
This course gives the basis for and a brief look at the many different spiritual disciplines that the Bible encourages believers to participate in in order to grow in their Christian life. This course is a one credit elective course.
Spring Semester
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Systematic Theology I: Doctrine of God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit
This course concentrates on seeing God as He is and the impact that this understanding can have on the Christian life. Additionally, this class will examine the sufficiency and necessity of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ as God’s means to rescue the world. Finally, this course seeks to give students an introductory level of insight into what the Bible has to say about the third person of the Triune God, the Holy Spirit. This course is part one of a three-part Systematic Theology credit.
Systematic Theology II: Doctrine of Man and Sin
This course seeks to take a concentrated look at gaining a biblical understanding of man as made in God’s image, what really happened at the fall and the consequences of the fall. This course is part two of a three-part Systematic Theology credit.
Systematic Theology III: Doctrine of Salvation
New Testament Studies II: Ephesians
This course is a verse-by-verse look at Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. In this book, students will learn the critical things that the Apostle Paul teaches the members of the Ephesian church. This course is part of a five credit New Testament studies series.
Apologetics I: Introduction to Worldview
As a Christian, the defense of our faith is our responsibility. As we learn to defend our faith we see that it is a confirmation to believers and conviction to non-believers. This course shows how the Gospel gives Christians a new way of seeing everything in the world around them. This is part one of a three-week Apologetics credit.
Apologetics II: Contemporary Issues & Objections
In this course students will look at how Christianity responds to some of the main contemporary issues that are facing Western culture today. This course is part two of a three-week Apologetics credit.
Apologetics III: World Religions
This course looks at how the grace found in Christianity makes it unique to the other religions of the world. This course will also take a look at pseudo-Christian cults and how they do not teach true Christian doctrine. This course is part three of a three-week Apologetics credit.
New Testament Studies III: Romans 1-8
This course is a verse-by-verse look at chapters 1-8 in the letter to the Christians living in first century Rome. In this book, God inspired Paul to instruct and encourage the Roman believers to understand great doctrine while living out those doctrines on a daily basis. Students will learn the Biblical theology and the necessary truths to live in a Christ-centered manner. This course is part of a five credit New Testament studies series.
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New Testament Studies IV: Romans 9-16
This course is a verse-by-verse look at chapters 9-16 in the letter to the Christians living in first century Rome. In this book, God inspired Paul to instruct and encourage the Roman believers to understand great doctrine while living out those doctrines on a daily basis. Students will learn the Biblical theology and the necessary truths to live in a Christ-centered manner. This course is part of a five credit New Testament studies series.
Church History I: Book of Acts
This class will take a look back at the New Testament Church and the foundations of Christianity so that we can learn how to live and function in the Church today. Discussions will contrast God’s view of the role and relationship of the Church against those ideas contrived by man. Emphasis will be on backgrounds of denominations today and present teachings. This course is part one of a three-week Church History credit.
Church History II: 100 AD – Reformation
This course will offer an overview of Church history, from AD 100 to the Reformation. Special attention will be given to theological and denominational development, as well as a study of the lives of many of history’s religious leaders. This course is part two of a three-week Church History credit.
Church History III: Reformation – Present Day
This course will offer an overview of Church history, from the Reformation to the present. Special attention will be given to theological and denominational development, as well as a study of the lives of many of history’s religious leaders. Like in the previous week, the goal is for the student to come to an understanding that history is more than memorized facts, but that it is affecting them even today. This course is part three of a three-week Church History credit.
New Testament Studies V: Galatians
Introduction to Missions I: Global Missions & History
This course will provide a Biblical foundation for understanding God’s mission among the nations, a historical overview of missions, and exploring the calling all Christians have to be a part of God’s mission in the world. This course is part one of a two-week Missions credit.
Introduction to Missions II: Personal Missions
The aim of this course is to show students the importance of living for God’s purpose and mission in the world as a Christian, whether or not they are in vocational ministry, and what that looks like in today’s culture. Missions will be examined at the micro level. This course is part two of a two-week Missions credit.
Practical Christian Living (Spiritual Formations)

Dr. Jarod Compton
Associate Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Bethlehem College & Seminary
Minneapolis, MN
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Jared loves teaching and preaching the Bible and training others to do the same. He loves thinking and talking about how the Bible fits together and how we fit into the Bible’s big story. Jared’s written articles and reviews for several publications and published three books, most recently Biblical Theology according to the Apostles: How the Earliest Christians Told Israel’s Story (IVP, 2020), a book he wrote with two of his childhood friends. He’s served on the editorial board for Themelios and Trinity Journal and is presently a member of ETS & IBR. Best of all, he’s been a Christian for 30 years, married to his best friend Charisse for nearly 20 years, and has been telling dad jokes for 15 years. Jared, Charisse, and their three children—Asher, Jude, and Haven—live in Arden Hills and attend Bethlehem’s North Campus.

Dr. Jordan Edwards
Professor at Southwest Baptist University
Bolivar, MO
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Dr. Jordan Edwards is Assistant Professor and Honors Program Director at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO. His background is in the early church, having studied Patristics and the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the early church under the supervision of Michael Haykin at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. He also taught Church History at Boyce College in Louisville. In his current role, he primarily teaches in the area of Christianity and culture, helping students to develop as Christian thinkers prepared to engage with the world. Jordan and his wife Lindsay have been involved in church ministry for the last decade, with Jordan leading and teaching small groups and Lindsay serving in nursery and children’s ministry. They have one daughter, Ellie, who has more energy than both of them combined and is a source of great joy.

Dr. Matthew Emadi
Pastor at Crossroads Church
Sandy, UT
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Matt grew up in Layton, Utah and is a graduate of Weber State University (Ogden, UT). He currently serves as the lead pastor of Crossroads Church in Sandy. Before coming back to Utah, Matt was the head coach for the Boyce College men’s basketball team in Louisville, KY. He earned an M.Div. and a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY). Matt is the author of the booklet, How Can I Serve My Church? (Crossway) and The Royal Priest: Psalm 110 in Biblical Theology in IVP’s New Studies in Biblical Theology series. He has also contributed articles to The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology and 9marks. Matt is passionate about pastoral theology, biblical theology, preaching, and ecclesiology.
Matt has been married to Brittany since 2008, and together they have six children: Elijah, Jeremiah, Aliyah, Josiah, Judah, and Isaiah. Brittany is from Illinois and enjoys being a stay-at-home mother, gardening, and homeschooling their children.

Lowell Engle
Program Director at MWSB
Augusta, MT
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Lowell Engle is a 2012 alumnus of Montana Wilderness School of the Bible and went on to do the Venture Program (2nd-year student leadership program) the following year. Before joining the staff at MWSB, he worked in Minnesota with a non-profit ministry for at-risk youth called Timber Bay. Lowell teaches five different classes for the Venture students and one class for MWSB’s first-year students. He also disciples eight students at the college every year. He lives on campus with his wife Jill and their two children. They are members at Augusta Community Church. Lowell received his Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies at Lancaster Bible College and is currently working on a Masters degree at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.

Dr. Chad Everhart
Professor at University of the Cumberlands
Williamsburg, KY
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Dr. Chad Everhart serves as Professor of Missions and Ministry online and as Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in Vilas, NC. He previously served for several years as the Department Chair of Missions & Ministry as well as Campus Minister to the University of the Cumberlands at the Williamsburg Campus. He and his wife, April, have three daughters, Emerson, Mabry, and Taylor as well as a son named Bridger who live on a small farm in western North Carolina.
- Doctor of Education, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Master of Architecture, North Carolina State University
- Bachelor of Environmental Design in Architecture, North Carolina State University

Pastor Zach Fallon
Pastor at Christ Church South Metro Atlanta
Tyrone, GA
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Zach is a pastor at Christ Church, a new church plant in the South metro Atlanta area. He saw his need for Christ and received him the summer after his freshman year in college. He and Christine met while students at Wheaton College and have been married since 2010. Together they have four children and are excited to live all of life in light of the gospel and invite others to do the same. Previously, Zach served as a pastor for five years at College Church in Wheaton, IL. Before that, he and Christine lived and served in ministry for five years at Montana Wilderness School of the Bible. Zach has been privileged to be trained for ministry through Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Pastor Micah Forsythe
Pastor at Emmaus Church
Bozeman, MT
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Micah is currently the lead teaching elder at Emmaus Church in Bozeman, Montana. Previously he was on staff at Montana Bible College. He grew up in Colorado and was a Supervising Manager at Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI). Then, in 2004, he and his wife moved to Montana where he took on the roles of Financial Director and Instructor at Montana Wilderness School of the Bible. He has a passion for teaching and sharing God’s Word and enjoys other hobbies such as photography, backpacking, cycling, and most outdoor activities. Micah and his wife Christa have three young children. Micah earned a BS in Bible/Theology and Educational Ministries from Multnomah Bible College in 2004 and an MA in Curriculum and Instructional Design from Colorado Christian University in 2017.

Dr. Ryan Hanley
Professor at University of the Cumberlands
Williamsburg, KY
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Dr. Zachary Hedges
Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology at Trinity College of Florida
Trinity, FL
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Dr. Zachary Hedges serves as Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology at Trinity College of Florida – a small evangelical school in the Tampa Bay area. He also serves as the Director of the Honors Program at Trinity. Zach completed his Ph.D. in Church History at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY, and also previously served as an adjunct instructor there. In addition to Church History, he also teaches in the areas of Bible, Theology, and Apologetics. Zach is married to his wife Rachel, and their household includes one beautiful baby girl and one poorly-behaved cat. He is originally from the Cincinnati, OH, area, and in his spare time enjoys baseball, good coffee, jazz music, and relaxing on Florida beaches.

Paul Hill
Executive Director at MWSB
Augusta, MT
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Dr. Jon Hoglund
Associate Professor of Theology and Global Studies at Bethlehem College & Seminary
Minneapolis, MN
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Jon Hoglund serves as associate professor of theology and global studies at Bethlehem College and Seminary. Before 2022, he and his family lived in Hanoi, Vietnam, where Jon ate phở, drove a motorbike, and taught at Hanoi Bible College. He received his PhD in Systematic Theology from Wheaton College. Cross-cultural ministry has been primary for him and his family for nearly twenty years. Their ministry track began at Kremenchuk Biblical Seminary in Kremenchuk, Ukraine.
Jon’s teaching and practice focus on how we move from reading Scripture to speaking and acting in the world today. He pursued this specifically in relation to God’s action in conversion through his book, Called by Triune Grace (IVP, 2016). Jon directs the global studies program at Bethlehem and also continues to travel with Training Leaders International to provide theological training around the world. Jon and his wife, Andrea, have four children and live in Minneapolis, MN.

Dr. Chris Hopf
Pastor at Second Baptist Church
Houston, TX
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Chris is originally from Chicago, but now resides in Katy, TX which is a suburb of Houston. He is married to Loren and they have four children. Chris currently serves as the associate pastor of adult ministries at Second Baptist Church in Houston, TX. Chris is also an adjunct professor of theology at Houston Baptist University. In addition, he serves as the chaplain to three agencies: the Katy ISD Police Department, the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office, and the FBI. He received his BA in theological studies from the Moody Bible Institute, his THm from Dallas Theological Seminary, and his DMin also from Dallas Theological Seminary. In his spare time he enjoys relaxing with his family, reading, and playing golf.

Dr. Kevin Horton
Executive Director of Institute for Biblical Authority
Missoula, Montana
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Dr. Bryan Hughes
Senior Pastor at Grace Bible Church
Bozeman, MT
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Dan Jacobson
Director of the Trailhead Gap-Year Program
Westboro, WI
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Dan Jacobson was born and raised in Wisconsin where he still lives. His passions have always been good books, the outdoors, and life’s big questions. His degree is in Literature and he was a small business owner before entering ministry. He is the founding director of the TRAILHEAD GAP-YEAR PROGRAM (a one-year Bible and life-skills program) at Forest Springs Camp and Conference Center in Wisconsin. He teaches Bible, worldview and other topics as diverse as gun safety and pig-butchering. He is married to Laura and they have two boys – Charlie and Mason. Dan has a bachelors in literature from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, having graduated in 2001.

Dr. Jim Lacy
Professor at Cornerstone University
Grand Rapids, MI
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Jim began pastoring in 1974 and served 3 churches for 20+ years. He then started as an interim pastor while teaching college courses. As an interim pastor he has served 20 churches in Michigan, Illinois and Washington.
Jim taught at Cornerstone University and Grand Rapids Theological Seminary for 25 years including Bible Survey, individual Bible Books and church administration, pastoral care and preaching.
Jim has an MA in Biblical Studies from Northwest Baptist Seminary, a MRE from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary and a D.Min. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
He is married to Nancy and they have 3 children (the oldest, Andrew, is a graduate of MWSB).

Dr. J. Michael McKay, Jr.
Associate Professor of Biblical Theology; Director of Online Graduate Ministry Degrees at Cedarville University
Cedarville, OH
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Michael McKay was born and raised in the Southeastern United States. He married Lee-Ann in 1994 and they have three adult children. Michael and Lee-Ann served with Ethnos360 for almost a decade in one of their training facilities equipping missionary candidates to plant churches among indigenous peoples around the world. After graduating from Grace Seminary (MA, 2008) and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (PhD, 2017), they moved to Ohio. Michael has been teaching at Cedarville University since 2017. Michael is an elder at Patterson Park Church and a member of the board for Ethnos360 USA.

Dr. Randall McKinion
Professor at Cedarville University
Cedarville, OH
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Dr. McKinion (Randy) was saved, began to follow Christ, and was baptized when he was 9 years old. He attended the University of South Alabama, where he majored in mechanical engineering and played baseball. He was active in Baptist Campus Ministries during his time at USA and was involved in college ministry at Cottage Hill Baptist Church. During those years, God moved his heart toward preparation for ministry. Upon graduation, he married April and moved to the Los Angeles area to attend The Master’s Seminary, where he graduated in 2001. It was while studying at Master’s that he began to desire further study in the Old Testament. He began studying at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC) in 2001 and received his PhD in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Old Testament in 2006. While at SEBTS, he began teaching at Shepherds Seminary (Cary, NC), where he taught and worked in various administrative positions from 2003 until 2014. While at Shepherds, he participated as an elder in the planting of Redeemer Community Church in Fuquay-Varina, NC. In 2014, God moved Randy and April, along with their three kids, Caleb, Caden, and Zoe Grace, to Cedarville University, where he is currently Professor of Old Testament.

Tom Miller
Former Director of Arrowhead Bible College
Tappen, ND
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Tom lives in Tappen, ND and works full-time on an organic farm. Tom was previously the Director of Arrowhead Bible College for 14 years at Beartooth Mountain Christian Ministries in Fishtail, Montana. He received a Masters of Ministry from Pacific Evangelical School of Ministry and He is an alumni of MWSB (’98).

Pastor Nate Newell
Pastor at Mission Church
Lancaster, PA
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Nate Newell is Pastor of Mission & Ministry Development at Mission Church in Lancaster, PA where he overseas the discipleship and leadership pathway, church planting, and global missions. He previously served as Senior Pastor at an international church in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as well as planting a church in rural Pennsylvania. Nate and his wife Marie have been involved in church ministry for the past 20 years in many capacities, but have found a passion for coaching men and women in ministry. They love their three children and Labrador retriever.

Dr. Russell Sanders
Online Teaching Assistant/Garrett Fellow at Boyce College
Louisville, KY
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Russ Sanders was born in Orange, California. In 1973 he and his family migrated to Northwest Arkansas, where he grew up on a farm and attended Bentonville High School. Through the kindness of God, he met his Savior when he was about 18 years of age. He attended college at John Brown University in Siloam Springs, Arkansas. While studying at John Brown, he met his beloved Katherine. They were married in 1982 and have four children and a daughter-in-law: AnnaBeth, David, who is married to Jaymi, Sarah, and Jonathan. Russ worked as a social worker for the Arkansas State Department of Human Services between 1989 and 1992. He then worked in a family owned apartment rental business between 1992 and 2004. In 2004 Russ and his family uprooted and moved to India, where they served as missionaries with the International Mission Board. Russ and Katherine returned home from overseas in 2019. They presently reside in Bentonville, Arkansas. Russ is an active lay volunteer in Centerton First Baptist Church. He leads an adult Sunday School class and teaches children on Wednesday nights. He currently works in the Bentonville Public Schools as a substitute teacher and serves as the grader/online teaching assistant to Dr. John Klaassen of Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky.

Chris Sherrod
Discipleship Minister at South Spring Baptist Church
Tyler, TX
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Chris Sherrod began teaching at MWSB in 2004, covering such classes as Apologetics, Foundations of Biblical Morality, and Biblical Creationism. Graduating from Auburn University with a BA in Education in 1993, Chris went on to get a MA in Religion from Liberty University in 2003 and has spent his years in ministry to students and families through teaching, writing, pastoring, coaching, and speaking. Chris and his wife Katie have eight wonderful children (and two daughter-in-laws), and their passion is for their family to be used by God to show His glory and grace, and to equip believers to live, defend, and share their faith.

Dr. Chris H. Smith, Jr.
Director of Student Development and Adjunct Instructor at Boyce College
Louisville, KY
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Chris is from South Carolina where he attended Clemson University, majoring in wildlife biology. After a short time as a biologist and game warden in Colorado, he pursued a call to ministry. Chris has done mission work in Central Asia, has church planted in the Chicagoland area, and has served in various roles in local churches. He has worked at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College in different capacities since 2010. He has an M.Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Wheaton College. He’s married to Holly, and they have three young boys: Frederick, Simon, and Nicholas.

Jordan Thomas
Lead Pastor at Grace Church Memphis
Memphis, TN
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Dr. Joshua Waltman
Professor at Liberty University
Lynchburg, VA
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Dr. Josh Waltman teaches various courses in theology, apologetics, and research. He holds a Ph. D in Theological Studies with a concentration in Apologetics from Columbia International University. His dissertation focused on trinitarian theology and theistic responses to the problem of divine hiddenness. He also holds additional degrees in philosophy and religion, theology and apologetics, theological studies, and library science. A life-long Virginian and ordained pastor, Dr. Waltman has served churches throughout the state in roles that include elder, itinerate preacher, evangelist, and teaching pastor. He is passionate about helping students become champions for Christ who pursue both truth and love in their lives and callings within the local church. He currently lives in Rustburg, VA with his wife, Whitney, and their two sons, Jack and Barry. In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar, woodworking, outdoor activities, and getting lost in the library stacks.

Dr. Gary Yates
Professor at Liberty Divinity School & University
Lynchburg, VA
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his BA from Washington Bible College, and his Th.M and Ph.D from Dallas Theological Seminary.
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